Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Types of Bloody Noses

  Bloody noses happen in a lot of ways. They can just start for some reason, you can bump into a wall, fall on your face, or just get flat out punched in the face. I tend to get nosebleeds just right out of the blue for no reason. I've always been prone to nosebleeds, ever since I was born. It happens to a lot of people, nosebleeds just start for no reason. You could be getting a coffee, be in a meeting, watching TV. It a very genetic thing but can also be picked up along the way. But there are treatments for such no bleeds and no bleeds of all kinds.

Types of Nose Bleeds

     Most of the time blood vessels in your nose start to get dry and or cold and crack. Once they crack the blood comes out through your nose. There are two types of nose bleeds, the first are anterior nosebleeds, anterior make up more than 90% of all nosebleeds. The bleeding usually comes from a blood vessel at the very front part of the nose. Anterior nosebleeds are usually easy to control, either by measures that can be performed at home or by a doctor. Then there is posterior nosebleeds, posterior nosebleeds are much less common than anterior nosebleeds. They tend to occur more often to elderly people. The bleeding usually comes from an artery in the back part of the nose. These nosebleeds are more complicated and usually require a trip to the hospital and help by an otolaryngologist, or an an ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT). Nosebleeds tend to occur during winter months and in dry, cold climates. They can occur at any age but are most common in children aged 2 to 10 years old and adults aged 50 to 80 years old.

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